Hey lovely ones!
I've not posted anything in a while but I decided to do post today because I get asked this question ALL the time. A number of you whom I've seen privately, have asked why I'm so against women chasing men. What is the harm in it when everyone's doing it and most guys don't seem to mind it at all? In fact they seem to expect it these days.
True, true and true again. But here's the one defining question, and it's the ONLY one that matters - How has that worked for you? And if you're reading this article then I'm going to bet that it probably hasn't.
Chasing unpacked
Just so we're clear, I'll unpack exactly what 'chasing' entails in a romantic relationship.
In a nutshell, chasing is when you take the bull by the horns and initiate contact. From texting or voice noting him chirpy good morning messages to long chatty emails, quick phone calls just to 'hear your voice', creating cutesy memes and tagging him in it, checking your phone every two minutes for a message from him, whatsaping him countless photos of you, sending him 'reminders' that you're around, inviting him to events or family functions, asking him to help you hang a frame or screw in a lightbulb, buying him gifts or tickets to a show, liking every one of his facebook posts ... these are ALL examples of you initiating contact or chasing a man. And instead of inspiring him to come closer, all you're doing is chasing him away.
Why he's running
Looking back, and knowing what I do now, this running behaviour makes perfect sense. Close your eyes for a quick second and imagine that a predatory animal (like a lion or a tiger) is chasing you. What are you going to do? You'll run like hell, right?! And that's exactly what guys do. When we chase after masculine men, we start looking like predatory animals and their instinctive reaction, is to run. Fast! Most of the time, they don't even properly realise why they're running. In fact at first they're trying to figure out what's going on and so they allow it for a while, until it just feels too weird 'something feels very off' and they know they've got to get away as quickly as possible.
Natural hunters
That 'something' is the upside down nature of events. Men are natural hunters. It's wired into their DNA and even though this is the 21st century, DNA is DNA, it's wired tight and there's no getting away from it.
Masculine energy men thrive on the thrill of the chase. But when YOU chase a man, it upsets the natural order of things. It feels wrong. Not just to the man but at your deepest level, it feels wrong to you too. How do you know it? It's that uncomfortable/ panicky feeling you have in your gut every time you do it. And is followed by the even more uncomfortable/ panicky feeling when he takes hours to respond or he responds with one word or even worse, doesn't respond at all and disappears on you. He's just gone gone gone and you're left totally and utterly puzzled, hurt and rejected.
High quality masculine men
To stop that happening to you again, ladies, STOP chasing. You don't ever need to chase a man. In fact, you don't have to do a single thing but be true to your natural feminine self. If a quality masculine man is 'in' to you, he'll do the chasing. You simply lean back and if he's meant to be in your life, trust me, he will find his way there through hell or high water.
A real man will follow you to the end of the earth and be happy doing it. This I know from personal experience. A real man will cross oceans and shower you with deep love and affection just so he can be part of your world. This is not a grand fairy tale, this is how real high quality masculine men show up when they've found the right woman.
Feminine energy
When you're involved with a masculine energy man, there is no need to chase. Guys who enjoy having a woman chase after them or expect it, are operating in feminine energy, and are not the type of men who will value you like the amazing queen that you are.
Let him VALUE you
I know this is a bit much to take in so let's just stop for a second and think about it. We value what we work for and real masculine energy men are exactly the same, they value what they have to work for.
When a man has worked hard for something whether it is a home, promotion, vehicle or the heart of an woman, you can be sure that he places great value on it. But when YOU chase him, you rob him of the opportunity to work … and in turn, you also rob him of the opportunity to value you.
If a man does not value you, then he feels no urgency to build a life with you. If a man does not value you, he feels no urgency to claim you as his partner/ wife.
So my ladies please STOP BEING YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY and stop shooting yourself in the foot by chasing men. Trust me, it'll only mess up any chance you have with a high quality masculine man.
To find out what you SHOULD do to develop a deep emotional connection with your guy, keep following my posts. Next one will be on behaviours that seem crazy but work like a bomb!
I hope I've answered this question for you. If you'd like to read some more articles, get relationship tips that actually work, work with me privately or you just want to comment, then drop me a line in the comment section below and I'll respond. x